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Argan Oil & Prickly Pear Seed oil

When was the last time you’ve walked in a natural place and seen all these types of flowers?

It’s something that most people who live in busy cities don’t do They rarely get a chance to walk in fields,

mountains, deserts to see the beauty of what nature has to offer. We all need what nature has

because without natural bio products. We don’t get closer to existence. This is basically why we thought

about this many times. We are committed in bringing you the best bio natural products from morocco.

Why Morocco?

We had the same question in the beginning and thought people would ask a similar question and therefor we want to define why we chose Morocco.

Basically, These two natural bio organic fruits are only available in Morocco and not in any other country.  The pricly pears are plants that grow in dry temperatures. Pricly pears grow in places like deserts. This si what makes them so efficient and full of skin benifits. The Berber Prickly pears cactus are grown in a few countries, but the best ones are in Morocco.

There has been increased number of companies outsourcing the Berber Prickly pears from Morocco and rebranding the bottles and sold to many beauty salons, beauticians, and many diferent types of stores.

The good thing is that we have people from the USA, Canada and Australia coming all the way from their countries to outsource these products. We feel proud that we live in Morocco and we own a lot of these sources.